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Changes in National Pride across Times and Country

Tom W. Smith (NORC)
Jibum Kim (Sungkyunkwan University)
Sori Kim (Sungkyunkwan University)

Keywords: Globel societal change


This paper will utilize the two International Social Survey Program (ISSP) national pride scales: on general national pride and on domain-specific national pride. The first part of the analysis will look at the level of national pride in each country and rankings across countries. It will develop country-level models to explain the variation in levels and rankings using such variables as type of government, GNP per capita, and historical events. The second part will examine trends over time in both indicators of national pride. The final part will look at differences in national pride across cohorts. Initial research done on the first ISSP national identity study found that national pride was highest in the earliest cohort and lowest in the most recent cohort in almost every country. It was hypothesized that this was a cohort difference rather than an age effect. But with age and cohort totally confounded with observations from a single time point, it was impossible to separate these alternative explanation. Now with three time points, it should be possible to determine if the cohort explanation is correct.