Comparative Survey Analysis Using WVS Data: Social Challenges and Global Value Shifts
Kseniya Kizilova (World Values Survey Association)
Kris Dunn (University of Leeds)
Bernard Poirine (University of French Polynesia)
Fabio Votta (University of Stuttgart)
Juan Diez-Nicolas (University of Almeria)
Keywords: Challenges of comparative research and International Survey Projects, cross-cultural concerns in data collection and measurement issues
AbstractThe goal of this session is to contribute to and to facilitate the professional discussion and experience exchange between survey methodologists, social researchers, survey analysts and social scholars using the world’s largest survey data on values and attitudes – the World Value Survey (WVS). WVS covers more than 100 countries and allows cross-national and cross-cultural comparative studies based on the unified questionnaire and the unified way of the data collection, mainly through face to face interview. More than 300 questions on values, attitudes and social behaviour are brought together with other demographic issues in the survey. The session will open the floor to the presentations focused on values, cultural shifts, and peoples’ attitudes to the crucial social problem like social inequalities in cross-national perspective based on the WVS data. The proposed session will touch both methodological and comparative aspects of the survey analysis reflecting the main focus of the conference. We expect that the session will attract a lot of participants and will stimulate the usage of open-access rich data of WVS for both research and training purposes. The session will bring the academics from different parts of the world due to the wide-range of the data coverage, so that contributing to the good geographical representation of the participants.